Name: Thomas Boevith
E-mail Address: thb@dmi.dk
IDL version: IDL Version 5.6 (linux x86 m32)
Platform and OS: Debian GNU/Linux 2.4.18

Description of Behavior:

LEEFILT causes an arithmetic error when the input image array 
contains areas of zero-elements at the borders of the array. 
The size of the area of zero-elements that causes the error 
varies with the size of the used lee-filter. For example: 
arrays containing areas larger than 7x7 pixels of 0's at 
the border causes the error when using a 3x3 lee-filter.

Example Code:

Know Workarounds or Fixes:

IDL> img = bytscl(randomu(seed,16,16))
IDL> img[9:15,9:15]=0
IDL> lee = leefilt(img,3)
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand

and another example

IDL> img = bytscl(randomu(seed,20,20))
IDL> img[0:14,0:14]=0
IDL> lee = leefilt(img,7)
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand

RSI Technical Support Response: None, so far (21 July 2003).

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Last Updated 21 July 2003