Coyote Graphics Routines

Date: Fri Mar 27 12:14:20 2015

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Obejct Programming, Utility

A modified IDL container with properties needed for Coyote Graphics routines.

Class description for cgContainer


Subclasses: cgCoord cgKML_Object cgKML_File cgMapContinents cgMapGrid cgMapPlotS cgMapVector


Properties in cgContainer

UVALUE get set init
NAME get set init
_REF_EXTRA get set


Fields in IDL_OBJECT


Fields in cgContainer

_CG_TRASH obj_new()
_CG_UVALUE ptr_new()

Author information



David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:


Copyright (c) 2011, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.


Change History:

Written, by David W. Fanning, 7 November 2011. Modified the SetProperty and GetProperty method to indicate errors if extra keywords reach them. 3 Nov 2012. DWF.


result = cgContainer::INIT( [NAME=string] [, UVALUE=any])

The object initialization method.

cgContainer::AddToTrash, object

Adds an object to the trash container.

result = cgContainer::FindByName(searchName [, /Case_Sensitive] [, Count=integer] [, /RegExp] [, _Extra=_Extra])

This method returns the positions (indices) of named objects in the container.

result = cgContainer::GetName()

Returns the name of the object.

cgContainer::GetProperty [, NAME=string] [, COUNT=integer] [, UVALUE=any] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

This method allows the user to get various properties of the object.

cgContainer::SetProperty [, NAME=string] [, UVALUE=any] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

This method allows the user to set various properties of the object.


This is the clean-up routine for the object.

cgContainer__Define [, class]

This is the class definition module.

Routine details

top cgContainer::INIT

result = cgContainer::INIT( [NAME=string] [, UVALUE=any])

The object initialization method.


NAME in optional type=string default=selected by cgContainer.

Use this keyword to name the object. Names are often used to select objects in program code.

UVALUE in optional type=any default=none

A storage space for storing any kind of IDL variable of importance to the user.

top cgContainer::AddToTrash

cgContainer::AddToTrash, object

Adds an object to the trash container. Any object add to the trash will be destroyed when this object is destroyed.


object in required type=object default=none

The object to be added to the trash container.

top cgContainer::FindByName

result = cgContainer::FindByName(searchName [, /Case_Sensitive] [, Count=integer] [, /RegExp] [, _Extra=_Extra])

This method returns the positions (indices) of named objects in the container.


searchName in required type=string default=none

The name of the object that you wish to locate in the container.


Case_Sensitive in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword to 1 to indicate a case sensitive search. By default, the search is case insensitive.

Count out optional type=integer

On exit, this variable will contain the number of positions returned that meet the search criteria.

RegExp in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword to indicate that searchName is a regular expression.

_Extra in optional

Any keywords supported by STREGEX can also be used. Requires REGEXP to be set.

top cgContainer::GetName

result = cgContainer::GetName()

Returns the name of the object.

top cgContainer::GetProperty

cgContainer::GetProperty [, NAME=string] [, COUNT=integer] [, UVALUE=any] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

This method allows the user to get various properties of the object. In general, the same keywords that are used for the INIT method can be used here. Superclass values can also be obtained.


NAME out optional type=string

Use this keyword to name the object. Names are often used to select objects in program code.

COUNT out optional type=integer

Use the keyword to return the number of objects in the container.

UVALUE out optional type=any

Returns the user value, if any.

_REF_EXTRA out optional

Returns the value of any keyword in the superclass object.

top cgContainer::SetProperty

cgContainer::SetProperty [, NAME=string] [, UVALUE=any] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

This method allows the user to set various properties of the object. In general, the same keywords that are used for the INIT method can be used here. Superclass values can also be set.


NAME in optional type=string default=selected by cgContainer.

Use this keyword to name the object. Names are often used to select objects in program code.

UVALUE in optional type=any default=none

A storage space for storing any kind of IDL variable of importance to the user.

_REF_EXTRA in optional

Any superclass keyword can be set here.

top cgContainer::CLEANUP


This is the clean-up routine for the object.

top cgContainer__Define

cgContainer__Define [, class]

This is the class definition module. Structures used to manipulate map projection and map datum information are also created here.


class out optional type=structure

Occasionally, it is useful to have an object class definition as a structure variable. Using this output keyword will allow that.

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Mar 27 11:07:37 2015
Lines: 311
Docformat: rst rst