top cgDrawVectors
cgDrawVectors, velx, vely, posx_, posy_ [, /ADDCMD] [, /CLIP] [, CRECT=float] [, /DEVICE] [, FRACTION=float] [, HSIZE=float] [, HTHICK=float] [, LENGTH=float] [, LINESTYLE=integer] [, MAPCOORD=object] [, /NORMAL] [, /ORDERED] [, /OVERPLOT] [, REFERENCEVECTOR=float] [, /SOLID] [, THICK=float] [, VECCOLORS=VECCOLORS] [, /WINDOW] [, XRANGE=float] [, YRANGE=float] [, _EXTRA=_EXTRA]
Plots the velocity vectors of particles at their position. Vectors may be overplotted onto other IDL graphics plots.
The program requires the Coyote Library to be installed on your machine.
- velx in required type=integer/float
An array containing the X component of the particle velocity vector.
- vely in required type=integer/float
An array containing the Y component of the particle velocity vector.
- posx_ in required type=integer/float
An array containing the X posiiton of the particle velocity vector. The shaft end of the arrow vector is positioned here.
- posy_ in required type=integer/float
An array containing the Y posiiton of the particle velocity vector. The shaft end of the arrow vector is positioned here.
- ADDCMD in optional type=boolean default=0
An alternative way to set the
keyword.- CLIP in optional type=boolean default=0
Set the keyword to clip vector output to the clipping rectangle specified in the
keyword. See the documentation for the IDL graphics keyword NOCLIP.- CRECT in optional type=float
A four-element array giving the clipping rectangle [xo, yo, x1, y1]. The default clipping rectangle is the plot area. See the documenation for the IDL graphics keyword CLIP.
- DEVICE in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to indicate the vector positions are given in device coordinates. Data coordinates are assumed.
- FRACTION in optional type=float default=1.0
A number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the fraction of the vectors to draw on the plot. Vectors are selected randomly from the total population, unless the
keyword is set, in which case they are selected in an ordered, systematic fashion. For example, Fraction=0.5 will select every other input vector.- HSIZE in optional type=float
The size of the the arrow head. By default 1/100th the width of the device. (!D.X_SIZE / 100.)
- HTHICK in optional type=float
The thickness of the line drawing the arrowhead of the vector. The default is 3 for the PostScript device and 1 for all other devices.
- LENGTH in optional type=float default=0.075
The length of the
in normalized units. All vectors are scaled according to this length.- LINESTYLE in optional type=integer default=0
The line style of the arrow. Line style integers as in PLOT.
- MAPCOORD in optional type=object
A map coordinate object (e.g., cgMap) that describes the map projection and datum used to specify the vector locations. Note that this could also be a map structure as returned from MAP_PROJ_INIT, but in that case the user is responsible for setting up the XY map coordinate space independently and outside of this program. This coordinate object will be used to transform lat/lon locations into the XY locations of the map projection.
- NORMAL in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to indicate the vector positions are given in normalized coordinates. Data coordinates are assumed.
- ORDERED in optional type=boolean default=0
If this keyword is set, and the
keyword is used, the fraction of vectors used in the plot are chosen from the entire population in a systematic, ordered fashion.- OVERPLOT in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to overplot the vectors on an established coordinate system plot.
- REFERENCEVECTOR in optional type=float
The magnitude of a reference vector that is used to scale all other vectors before display. If undefined, 75 percent of the maximum vector magnitude.
- SOLID in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw solid, filled arrows.
- THICK in optional type=float
The thickness of the line drawing the shaft of the arrow. The default is 3 for the PostScript device and 1 for all other devices.
- VECCOLORS in optional
A scalar or vector of colors the same size as
. May be bytes, short integers, or strings. Bytes and short integers are treated as indices into the current color table. The default is "opposite".- WINDOW in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to add the command to an cgWindow application.
- XRANGE in optional type=float
If a plot is to be drawn, the X range of the plot. By default, the X range is calculated to contain all of the velocity vectors.
- YRANGE in optional type=float
If a plot is to be drawn, the Y range of the plot. By default, the Y range is calculated to contain all of the velocity vectors.
- _EXTRA in optional
Any keywords appropriate for the cgPlot command can be used to create the plot.
Generate some particle positions and velocities:
posx = RandomU(seed,200)
posy = RandomU(seed,200)
velx = RandomU(seed,200)-0.5
vely = RandomU(seed,200)-0.5
cgDrawVectors, velx, vely, posx, posy
magnitude = SQRT(velx^2 + vely^2)
cgLoadCT, 5
colors = BytScl(magnitude)
cgDrawVectors, velx, vely, posx, posy, VecColors=colors
posx = Indgen(10)*36
posy = Replicate(30,10)
velx = Replicate(10.,10) ; Wind out of the West
vely = Replicate(0, 10) ; No vertical component
mapNorth = Obj_New('cgMap', 'Polar Stereographic', $
Limit=[0, -180, 90, 180], /NoBorder)
mapNorth -> Draw
cgMap_Continents, Color='black', Map_Structure=mapNorth
cgMap_Grid, LatDel=15, LonDel=15, LineStyle=1, Color='charcoal', $
/Label, LonLabel=2, Map_Structure=mapNorth
cgDrawVectors, velx, vely, posx, posy, VecColors='blu6', /Overplot, $
ReferenceVector=10, /Solid, Thick=2, MapCoord=mapNorth
Author information
- Author:
David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: david@idlcoyote.com Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.idlcoyote.com
- Copyright:
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.
- History:
Change History:
Written by David Fanning, based on NASA Astronomy Library program PartVelVec, 22 March 2014 Added ORDERED keyword. 24 March 2014. DWF. Drawing the vectors All Wrong. Using what I think is the correct algorithm now. 24 March 2014. DWF. Modified so I don't change into position variables. 24 March 2014. DWF. Fixed a small problem with the algorithm for calculating the direction of the scaled vectors and added CLIP and CRECT keywords. 25 March 2014. DWF. Added MAPCOORD keyword. 27 March 2014. DWF. Modified to set color information once here, instead of allowing cgArrow to do it. 27 March 2014. DWF. Some map projections (e.g., polar stereographic) can change the direction of the vector on the projected map. To solve this problem, I needed to create a second point in the original coordinate system and project both points into the map coordinate system before calculating the angle between points. Also then had to figure out how to scale the moved point to the reference vector. All appears normal now. 2 Nov 2014. DWF. Still a couple of problems in the direction of the vector when the scale is different in the X and Y directions. This version of the program allows the vector to be distorted by scale and by a map projection. It more closely resembles the NASA program PartVelVec now than it did previously. 18 Feb 2015. DWF. “To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact,” asserted Charles Darwin. In that vein, I have completely gutted the internal vector placing algorithm in cgDrawVectors and replaced it with an algorithm that essentially duplicates the vectors of the NASA Astronomy Library routine PartVelVec. The essential change was to take into account the plot scale in both the X and Y direction when computing the end point of a vector. You will see an "aspect" variable in the code. When being placed on map projections, using either cgMap_Set or cgMap, the aspect ratio of 180./360. is always used. The aspect ratio is used to scale the vector components before placement of the vector. 23 February 2015. DWF.
File attributes
Modification date: | Fri Mar 27 11:07:36 2015 |
Lines: | 430 |
Docformat: | rst rst |