Graphics, FileIO
This program creates a KML file that can be displayed with Google Earth. It implements some (not all) of the objects or elements allowed in KML files. For reference, see the Google KML Reference Documentation.
To create an image overlay object:
kml = Obj_New('cgKML_File', 'test.kml')
overlay = Obj_New('cgKML_GroundOverlay', $
HREF='myimage.tif', $
kml -> Add, overlay
kml -> Save
kml -> Destroy
Class description for cgKML_File
All ancestor classes: cgContainer IDL_OBJECT IDL_CONTAINER
Properties in cgContainer
- UVALUE get set init
- NAME get set init
- COUNT get
- _REF_EXTRA get set
Properties in cgKML_File
- HINT get set init
- FILENAME get set
- _REF_EXTRA get set
- LEVEL get
Fields in cgContainer
- _CG_TRASH obj_new()
- _CG_NAME ''
- _CG_UVALUE ptr_new()
Fields in IDL_OBJECT
- __OBJ__ obj_new()
- PTAIL ptr_new()
- PHEAD ptr_new()
Fields in cgKML_File
- HINT ''
Author information
- Author
David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: david@idlcoyote.com Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.idlcoyote.com
- Copyright
Copyright (c) 2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.
- History
Change History:
Written, 28 October 2012 by David W. Fanning.
result = cgKML_File::INIT( [filename] [, HINT=string])
The purpose of this method is to establish the name of a KML file that is to be written.
cgKML_File::Add, theObject
This method allows KML objects to be added to the KML file.
cgKML_File::Body, LUN=integer
This method writes the contents of each KML object included in the file to the file in a recursive way.
This method destroys the KML_File object.
cgKML_File::GetProperty [, FILENAME=string] [, HINT=string] [, LEVEL=integer], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to obtain properties of the object.
cgKML_File::Head, LUN=integer
This method opens the <kml> element and writes it to the file.
cgKML_File::Save, /KMZ [, SupportFiles=string]
This method saves the KML file and writes it to disk.
cgKML_File::SetProperty [, FILENAME=string] [, HINT=string], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to set properties of the object.
cgKML_File::Tail, LUN=integer
This method closes the <kml> element.
The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.
cgKML_File__Define [, class]
The cgKML_FILE class definition module.
Routine details
top cgKML_File::INIT
result = cgKML_File::INIT( [filename] [, HINT=string])
The purpose of this method is to establish the name of a KML file that is to be written. Optionally, a hint attribute can be specified that indicated to Google Earth that is should switch to sky view or to another celestial body, such as Mars.
- filename in optional type=string
The name of the KML file to be created. The output file should have a file extension of *.kml.
- HINT in optional type=string
A hint attribute (http://simplekml.readthedocs.org/en/latest/kml.html). Hint attributes are used as a signal to Google Earth to switch to sky view or to another celestial body, such as Mars.
top cgKML_File::Add
cgKML_File::Add, theObject
This method allows KML objects to be added to the KML file.
- theObject in required type=object
Only objects of class cgKML_OBJECT can be added to a KML file object.
top cgKML_File::Body
cgKML_File::Body, LUN=integer
This method writes the contents of each KML object included in the file to the file in a recursive way.
- LUN in required type=integer
The logical unit number that the KML file is attached to.
top cgKML_File::GetProperty
cgKML_File::GetProperty [, FILENAME=string] [, HINT=string] [, LEVEL=integer], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to obtain properties of the object.
- FILENAME out optional type=string
The name of the KML file being created.
- HINT out optional type=string
The hint attribute that was input to the file via the INIT or SetProperty methods.
- LEVEL out optional type=integer
The heirarchtical level of this object.
top cgKML_File::Head
cgKML_File::Head, LUN=integer
This method opens the <kml> element and writes it to the file.
- LUN in required type=integer
The logical unit number that the KML file is attached to.
top cgKML_File::Save
cgKML_File::Save, /KMZ [, SupportFiles=string]
This method saves the KML file and writes it to disk.
- KMZ in required type=boolean default=0
If this keyword is set, the KML file is zipped into a KMZ file. This functionality is only available if you have installed the Open Source 7-Zip compression program to 7z.exe correctly in cgKML2KMZ. If you don't understand, please don't set this keyword!
- SupportFiles in optional type=string
A string array of files that should be included in the KMZ file along with the KML file. Will search for files, in not included.
top cgKML_File::SetProperty
cgKML_File::SetProperty [, FILENAME=string] [, HINT=string], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to set properties of the object.
- FILENAME in optional type=string
The name of the KML file being created.
- HINT in optional type=string
A hint attribute (http://simplekml.readthedocs.org/en/latest/kml.html). Hint attributes are used as a signal to Google Earth to switch to sky view or to another celestial body, such as Mars.
top cgKML_File::Tail
cgKML_File::Tail, LUN=integer
This method closes the <kml> element.
- LUN in required type=integer
The logical unit number that the KML file is attached to.
top cgKML_File::CLEANUP
The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.
File attributes
Modification date: | Fri Mar 27 11:07:36 2015 |
Lines: | 380 |
Docformat: | rst rst |