Coyote Graphics Routines

Date: Fri Mar 27 12:14:20 2015

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Graphics, FileIO

This program implements the KML GroundOverlay element. For reference, see the Google KML Reference Documentation. A GroundOverlay element draws an image overlay draped onto the terrain of a Google Earth display.


See the cgKML_File object for examples of how to create a KML file.

Class description for cgKML_GroundOverlay


All ancestor classes: cgKML_Overlay cgKML_Feature cgKML_Object cgContainer IDL_OBJECT IDL_CONTAINER


Properties in cgKML_Overlay

Properties in cgKML_Feature

Properties in cgKML_Object

Properties in cgContainer

Properties in cgKML_GroundOverlay

ALTMODE get set init
ALTITUDE get set init
ROTATION get set init
LATLONQUAD get set init
_REF_EXTRA get set init
COLOR init
HREF init
LATLONBOX get set init


Fields in cgKML_Overlay

Fields in cgKML_Feature

Fields in cgKML_Object

Fields in cgContainer

Fields in IDL_OBJECT


Fields in cgKML_GroundOverlay

ALTITUDE 0.00000000D
ROTATION 0.000000
LATLONQUAD ptr_new()
LATLONBOX ptr_new()

Author information



David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:


Copyright (c) 2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.


Change History:

Written, 28 October 2012 by David W. Fanning.


result = cgKML_GroundOverlay::INIT( [ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, COLOR=string] [, DRAWORDER=integer] [, HREF=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA])

The purpose of this method is to establish an abstract KML GroundOverlay class.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Head, LUN=integer

This method opens the <GroundOverlay> tag in the KML file.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Body, LUN=integer

This method adds GroundOverlay elements to the KML file.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Tail, LUN=integer

This method closes the <GroundOverlay> tag in the KML file.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Build, LUN=integer

This BUILD method builds the GroundOverlay section in the KML file.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::GetProperty [, ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to return object properties.

cgKML_GroundOverlay::SetProperty [, ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to set object properties.


The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.

cgKML_GroundOverlay__Define [, class]

The cgKML_GroundOverlay class definition module.

Routine details

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::INIT

result = cgKML_GroundOverlay::INIT( [ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, COLOR=string] [, DRAWORDER=integer] [, HREF=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA])

The purpose of this method is to establish an abstract KML GroundOverlay class. For reference, see


ALTITUDE in optional type=double

Specifies the distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is interpreted according to the altitude mode

ALTMODE in optional type=string default=clampToGround

The altitude mode. Possible values are "clampToGround", which ignores the Altitude value and drapes the overlay over the terrain. The other possible mode is "absolute", which sets the altitude of the overlay relative to sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For example, if you set the altitude of an overlay to 10 meters with an absolute altitude mode, the overlay will appear to be at ground level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If the terrain is 3 meters above sea level, the overlay will appear elevated above the terrain by 7 meters. It is also possible to set the mode to "clampToSeaFloor".

COLOR in optional type=string

Color values are expressed in hexadecimal notation, including opacity (alpha) values. The order of expression is alpha, blue, green, red (aabbggrr). The range of values for any one color is 0 to 255 (00 to ff). For opacity, 00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque. For example, if you want to apply a blue color with 50 percent opacity to an overlay, you would specify the following: COLOR = "7fff0000".

DRAWORDER in optional type=integer

This element defines the stacking order for the images in overlapping overlays. Overlays with higher values are drawn on top of overlays with lower values.

HREF in optional type=string

A URL that identifies the location of the image associated with this Overlay. The location can be either a local file (e.g., 'myimage.png') or a URL to an image on a web server (e.g., '').

LATLONBOX in optional type=fltarr

A four-element float array that specifies the top, bottom, right, and left sides of a bounding box that the ground overlay is aligned to. The elements of the array also correspond to [north, south, east, west] coordinates, which should be specified in decimal degrees. North/South coordinates are in the range -90 to +90, and East/West coordinates are in the range -180 to 180.

LATLONQUAD in optional type=fltarr

An 8-element array describing the four corners of a quadrilateral defining the overlay area. Exactly four coordinate pairs have to be provided, each consisting of floating point values for longitude and latitude. The coordinates must be specified in counter-clockwise order with the first coordinate corresponding to the lower-left corner of the overlayed image. The shape described by these corners must be convex.

ROTATION in optional type=float default=0.0

Specifies a rotation of the overlay about its center, in degrees. Values can be ±180. The default is 0 (north). Rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction. Used only with the LatLonBox array.

_REF_EXTRA in optional

Any keywords appropriate for superclass objects may be passed into the program.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::Head

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Head, LUN=integer

This method opens the <GroundOverlay> tag in the KML file.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::Body

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Body, LUN=integer

This method adds GroundOverlay elements to the KML file.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::Tail

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Tail, LUN=integer

This method closes the <GroundOverlay> tag in the KML file.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::Build

cgKML_GroundOverlay::Build, LUN=integer

This BUILD method builds the GroundOverlay section in the KML file.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::GetProperty

cgKML_GroundOverlay::GetProperty [, ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to return object properties.


ALTITUDE out optional type=double

Specifies the distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is interpreted according to the altitude mode

ALTMODE out optional type=string default=clampToGround

The altitude mode. Possible values are "clampToGround", which ignores the Altitude value and drapes the overlay over the terrain. The other possible mode is "absolute", which sets the altitude of the overlay relative to sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For example, if you set the altitude of an overlay to 10 meters with an absolute altitude mode, the overlay will appear to be at ground level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If the terrain is 3 meters above sea level, the overlay will appear elevated above the terrain by 7 meters.

LATLONBOX out optional type=fltarr

A four-element float array that specifies the top, bottom, right, and left sides of a bounding box that the ground overlay is aligned to. The elements of the array also correspond to [north, south, east, west] coordinates, which should be specified in decimal degrees. North/South coordinates are in the range -90 to +90, and East/West coordinates are in the range -180 to 180.

LATLONQUAD out optional type=fltarr

An 8-element array describing the four corners of a quadrilateral defining the overlay area. Exactly four coordinate pairs have to be provided, each consisting of floating point values for longitude and latitude. The coordinates must be specified in counter-clockwise order with the first coordinate corresponding to the lower-left corner of the overlayed image. The shape described by these corners must be convex.

ROTATION out optional type=float default=0.0

Specifies a rotation of the overlay about its center, in degrees. Values can be ±180. The default is 0 (north). Rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction. Used only with the LatLonBox array.

_REF_EXTRA out optional

Any keywords for the superclass objects are allowed.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::SetProperty

cgKML_GroundOverlay::SetProperty [, ALTITUDE=double] [, ALTMODE=string] [, LATLONBOX=fltarr] [, LATLONQUAD=fltarr] [, ROTATION=float] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to set object properties.


ALTITUDE in optional type=double

Specifies the distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is interpreted according to the altitude mode

ALTMODE in optional type=string default=clampToGround

The altitude mode. Possible values are "clampToGround", which ignores the Altitude value and drapes the overlay over the terrain. The other possible mode is "absolute", which sets the altitude of the overlay relative to sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For example, if you set the altitude of an overlay to 10 meters with an absolute altitude mode, the overlay will appear to be at ground level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If the terrain is 3 meters above sea level, the overlay will appear elevated above the terrain by 7 meters.

LATLONBOX in optional type=fltarr

A four-element float array that specifies the top, bottom, right, and left sides of a bounding box that the ground overlay is aligned to. The elements of the array also correspond to [north, south, east, west] coordinates, which should be specified in decimal degrees. North/South coordinates are in the range -90 to +90, and East/West coordinates are in the range -180 to 180.

LATLONQUAD in optional type=fltarr

An 8-element array describing the four corners of a quadrilateral defining the overlay area. Exactly four coordinate pairs have to be provided, each consisting of floating point values for longitude and latitude. The coordinates must be specified in counter-clockwise order with the first coordinate corresponding to the lower-left corner of the overlayed image. The shape described by these corners must be convex.

ROTATION in optional type=float default=0.0

Specifies a rotation of the overlay about its center, in degrees. Values can be ±180. The default is 0 (north). Rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction. Used only with the LatLonBox array.

_REF_EXTRA out optional

Any keywords for the superclass objects are allowed.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay::CLEANUP


The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.

top cgKML_GroundOverlay__Define

cgKML_GroundOverlay__Define [, class]

The cgKML_GroundOverlay class definition module. It is a container object and represents part of the KML file hierarchy.


class out optional type=structure

The class definition returned as a structure variable. Occassionally useful.

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Mar 27 11:07:38 2015
Lines: 444
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