Coyote Graphics Routines

Date: Fri Mar 27 12:14:20 2015

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Graphics, FileIO

This program implements the KML abstract OBJECT class. For reference, see the Google KML Reference Documentation. A Object object is a basic KML class, and should be inherited by, for example, a cgKML_Feature object, which extends this KML abstract class.


See the cgKML_File object for examples of how to create a KML file.

Class description for cgKML_Object


All ancestor classes: cgContainer IDL_OBJECT IDL_CONTAINER

Subclasses: cgKML_Feature cgKML_LookAt


Properties in cgContainer

Properties in cgKML_Object

TARGETID get set init
PARENT get set
ID get set
_REF_EXTRA get set init


Fields in cgContainer

Fields in IDL_OBJECT


Fields in cgKML_Object

PARENT obj_new()
ID ''

Author information



David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:


Copyright (c) 2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.


Change History:

Written, 28 October 2012 by David W. Fanning.


result = cgKML_Object::INIT( [id] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA])

The purpose of this method is to establish an abstract KML Object class.

cgKML_Object::Build, LUN=integer

This BUILD method is an abstract method that should be overridden by any object that you intend to add to a KML file.

cgKML_Object::XMLTag, tag, value, LUN=integer, SPACE=SPACE

This method writes an XML tag into the file.

result = cgKML_Object::GetParent()

The purpose of this function method is to return the parent object reference.

cgKML_Object::GetProperty [, ID=string] [, PARENT=objref] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to return object properties.

cgKML_Object::SetProperty [, ID=string] [, PARENT=objref] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to set object properties.


The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.

cgKML_Object__Define [, class]

The cgKML_OBJECT class definition module.

Routine details

top cgKML_Object::INIT

result = cgKML_Object::INIT( [id] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA])

The purpose of this method is to establish an abstract KML Object class. For reference, see


id in optional type=string

An ID attribute which allows unique identification of a KML element. For reference, see The ID attribute must be assigned in the <Update> mechanism is to be used.


TARGETID in optional type=string

A targetID attribute which is used to reference objects that have already been loaded into Google Earch. For reference, see

_REF_EXTRA in optional

Any keywords appropriate for superclass objects may be passed into the program.

top cgKML_Object::Build

cgKML_Object::Build, LUN=integer

This BUILD method is an abstract method that should be overridden by any object that you intend to add to a KML file. It is used to build the actual KML code for the element in question.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.

top cgKML_Object::XMLTag

cgKML_Object::XMLTag, tag, value, LUN=integer, SPACE=SPACE

This method writes an XML tag into the file. All parameters and keywords are required. Sequence is: <tag>value</tag>.


tag in required type=string

The name of the XML tag to write to the file.

value in required

The value of the tag. May be any type of data that can be converted to a string.


LUN in required type=integer

The logical unit number of the open KML file to write to.


top cgKML_Object::GetParent

result = cgKML_Object::GetParent()

The purpose of this function method is to return the parent object reference.

top cgKML_Object::GetProperty

cgKML_Object::GetProperty [, ID=string] [, PARENT=objref] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to return object properties.


ID out optional type=string

The object ID.

PARENT out optional type=objref

The parent object reference.

TARGETID out optional type=string

The targetID of the object.

_REF_EXTRA out optional

Any keywords for the superclass objects are allowed.

top cgKML_Object::SetProperty

cgKML_Object::SetProperty [, ID=string] [, PARENT=objref] [, TARGETID=string] [, _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA]

The purpose of this method is to set object properties.


ID in optional type=string

The object ID.

PARENT in optional type=objref

The parent object reference.

TARGETID in optional type=string

The targetID of the object.

_REF_EXTRA out optional

Any keywords for the superclass objects are allowed.

top cgKML_Object::CLEANUP


The purpose of this method is to destroy anything we created that may leak memory or need to be released from use.

top cgKML_Object__Define

cgKML_Object__Define [, class]

The cgKML_OBJECT class definition module. This is a mostly abstract class that will be inherited by cgKML_Feature and cgKML_Geometery objects (among others). Basically, any KML element that should be added to a KML file will inherit this object. It is a container object and represents part of the KML file hierarchy. Only objects of cgKML_Object class can be added to cgKML_File objects.


class out optional type=structure

The class definition returned as a structure variable. Occassionally useful.

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Mar 27 11:07:37 2015
Lines: 285
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