Graphics, Map Projections
Provides an object wrapper to the cgMAP_CONTINENTS or the cgMap_GSHHS commands. Coyote Library routines are required.
Class description for cgMapContinents
All ancestor classes: cgContainer IDL_OBJECT IDL_CONTAINER
Properties in cgContainer
- UVALUE get set init
- NAME get set init
- COUNT get
- _REF_EXTRA get set
Properties in cgMapContinents
- CONTINENTS get set init
- OUTLINE get set init
- COUNTRIES get set init
- _EXTRA set init
- GSHHS get set init
- WATER_COLOR get set init
- ADDCMD init
- LAND_COLOR get set init
- FILL get set init
- DRAW set
- COASTS get set init
- FILENAME get set init
- HIRES get set init
- MAP_OBJECT get set init
- BACKGROUND get set init
- LINESTYLE get set init
- MINAREA get set init
- ZVALUE get set init
- _REF_EXTRA get
- COLOR get set init
- THICK get set init
- LEVEL get set init
- USA get set init
- RIVERS get set init
- T3D get set init
Fields in cgContainer
- _CG_TRASH obj_new()
- _CG_NAME ''
- _CG_UVALUE ptr_new()
Fields in IDL_OBJECT
- __OBJ__ obj_new()
- PTAIL ptr_new()
- PHEAD ptr_new()
Fields in cgMapContinents
- MAP_OBJECT obj_new()
- BACKGROUND ptr_new()
- MINAREA 0.00000000D
- ZVALUE 0.00000000D
- COLOR ''
- USA 0B
- T3D 0B
Author information
- Author
David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 < E-mail: david@idlcoyote.com Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.idlcoyote.com- Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.
- History
Written by David W. Fanning, 7 November 2011. Added a BACKGROUND keyword. 31 Aug 2012. DWF.
result = cgMapContinents::INIT(mapCoord [, /ADDCMD] [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _EXTRA=_EXTRA)
The initialization routine for the cgMapContinents object.
Adds the object as a command (the DRAW method is called) in a cgWindow resizeable graphics window.
result = cgMapContinents::Confirm_Filename(filename)
Makes sure the filename exists.
Draw the continental outlines in a graphics window.
cgMapContinents::GetProperty [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT, MAP_STRUCTURE=MAP_STRUCTURE [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to get various properties of the object.
cgMapContinents::SetProperty [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES, DRAW=DRAW [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _EXTRA=_EXTRA
This method allows the user to set various properties of the object.
This method is the clean-up method for the object.
cgMapContinents__DEFINE [, class]
This is the class definition module.
Routine details
top cgMapContinents::INIT
result = cgMapContinents::INIT(mapCoord [, /ADDCMD] [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _EXTRA=_EXTRA)
The initialization routine for the cgMapContinents object.
- mapCoord in required type=object
A map coordinate object that will set up a map coordinate data space. Required to convert lat/lon values to projected meter space. A cgMap object.
- ADDCMD in optional type=boolean default=0
If this keyword is set, the object is added to the resizeable graphics window, cgWindow. Note that a map projection command must be added to the window before this command is added to be effective.
- BACKGROUND in optional type=string
The name of the background color. A polygon of this color is drawn in the map space set up by the map projection before continents and other items are drawn.
- COASTS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you want coasts to be drawn. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- COLOR in optional type=string default=opposite
The name of the drawing color for the program.
- CONTINENTS in optional type=boolean
Set this keyword if you want continental outlines to be drawn. This will be set automatically if COASTS, COUNTRIES, RIVERS, AND USA keywords are all set to zero. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- FILENAME in optional type=string
The name of the GSHHS file to open. If a fully qualified file name is not provided, the program will look for the GSHHS file using cgFindPathTo() function. Only if this fails and a file is not found, will an error be issued. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data files currently. If the GSHHS keyword is set, and this keyword is undefined, then the filename will be set to "gshhs_i.b", unless the HIRES keyword is set, in which case it will be set to "gshhs_h.b."
- FILL in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw filled polygons rather than outlines.
- GSHHS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to indicate you want to draw continents with the GSHHS data set. Using the FILENAME keyword automatically sets this keyword.
- HIRES in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to use the high-resolution data supplied with IDL for MAP_CONTINENTS. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- LAND_COLOR in optional type=string default=tan8
The name of a color to be used for "land". Used when the FILL keyword is set.
- LEVEL in optional type=integer default=2
The polygon LEVEL. All polygons less than or equal to this value are drawn. 1-land, 2-lakes, 3-island in lake, 4-pond in island. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- LINESTYLE in optional type=integer default=0
Set to the type of linestyle in drawing outlines. Set solid lines by default.
- MINAREA in optional type=float default=500 km^2
The minimum feature area. By default, 500 km^2. Polygons with areas less than this are not drawn. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- OUTLINE in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw shorelines. Set by default if FILL=0. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- RIVERS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish to draw rivers. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- T3D in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this graphics keyword if you wish to draw outlines use the T3D transformation matrix. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- THICK in optional type=integer default=1
Set this keyword to the thickness of the lines that are drawn.
- USA in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish do draw United States state boundaries. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- WATER_COLOR in optional type=string default=sky blue
The name of the water color. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- ZVALUE in optional type=float default=0.0
Set this keyword to the ZVALUE where the outlines should be drawn. Set to 0 by default. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
top cgMapContinents::AddCmd
Adds the object as a command (the DRAW method is called) in a cgWindow resizeable graphics window.
top cgMapContinents::Confirm_Filename
result = cgMapContinents::Confirm_Filename(filename)
Makes sure the filename exists. If it doesn't it will search for the file using FIND_RESOURSE_FILE.
- filename in required type=string
The name of the file to confirm.
top cgMapContinents::GetProperty
cgMapContinents::GetProperty [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT, MAP_STRUCTURE=MAP_STRUCTURE [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _REF_EXTRA=_REF_EXTRA
This method allows the user to get various properties of the object.
- BACKGROUND in optional type=string
The name of the background color.
- COASTS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you want coasts to be drawn. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- COLOR in optional type=string default=opposite
The name of the drawing color for the program.
- CONTINENTS in optional type=boolean
Set this keyword if you want continental outlines to be drawn. This will be set automatically if COASTS, COUNTRIES, RIVERS, AND USA keywords are all set to zero. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- FILENAME in optional type=string
The name of the GSHHS file to open. If a fully qualified file name is not provided, the program will look for the GSHHS file using cgFindPathTo() function. Only if this fails and a file is not found, will an error be issued. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data files currently. If the GSHHS keyword is set, and this keyword is undefined, then the filename will be set to "gshhs_i.b", unless the HIRES keyword is set, in which case it will be set to "gshhs_h.b."
- FILL in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw filled polygons rather than outlines.
- GSHHS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to indicate you want to draw continents with the GSHHS data set. Using the FILENAME keyword automatically sets this keyword.
- HIRES in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to use the high-resolution data supplied with IDL for MAP_CONTINENTS. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- LAND_COLOR in optional type=string default=tan8
The name of a color to be used for "land". Used when the FILL keyword is set.
- LEVEL in optional type=integer default=2
The polygon LEVEL. All polygons less than or equal to this value are drawn. 1-land, 2-lakes, 3-island in lake, 4-pond in island. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- LINESTYLE in optional type=integer default=0
Set to the type of linestyle in drawing outlines. Set solid lines by default.
- MINAREA in optional type=float default=500 km^2
The minimum feature area. By default, 500 km^2. Polygons with areas less than this are not drawn. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- OUTLINE in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw shorelines. Set by default if FILL=0. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- RIVERS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish to draw rivers. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- T3D in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this graphics keyword if you wish to draw outlines use the T3D transformation matrix. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- THICK in optional type=integer default=1
Set this keyword to the thickness of the lines that are drawn.
- USA in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish do draw United States state boundaries. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- WATER_COLOR in optional type=string default=sky blue
The name of the water color. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- ZVALUE in optional type=float default=0.0
Set this keyword to the ZVALUE where the outlines should be drawn. Set to 0 by default. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
top cgMapContinents::SetProperty
cgMapContinents::SetProperty [, BACKGROUND=string] [, /COASTS] [, COLOR=string] [, /CONTINENTS], COUNTRIES=COUNTRIES, DRAW=DRAW [, FILENAME=string] [, /FILL] [, /GSHHS] [, /HIRES] [, LAND_COLOR=string] [, LEVEL=integer] [, LINESTYLE=integer], MAP_OBJECT=MAP_OBJECT [, MINAREA=float] [, /OUTLINE] [, /RIVERS] [, /T3D] [, THICK=integer] [, /USA] [, WATER_COLOR=string] [, ZVALUE=float], _EXTRA=_EXTRA
This method allows the user to set various properties of the object. In general,
- BACKGROUND in optional type=string
The name of the background color. A polygon of this color is drawn in the map space set up by the map projection before continents and other items are drawn.
- COASTS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you want coasts to be drawn. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- COLOR in optional type=string default=opposite
The name of the drawing color for the program.
- CONTINENTS in optional type=boolean
Set this keyword if you want continental outlines to be drawn. This will be set automatically if COASTS, COUNTRIES, RIVERS, AND USA keywords are all set to zero. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- FILENAME in optional type=string
The name of the GSHHS file to open. If a fully qualified file name is not provided, the program will look for the GSHHS file using cgFindPathTo() function. Only if this fails and a file is not found, will an error be issued. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data files currently. If the GSHHS keyword is set, and this keyword is undefined, then the filename will be set to "gshhs_i.b", unless the HIRES keyword is set, in which case it will be set to "gshhs_h.b."
- FILL in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw filled polygons rather than outlines.
- GSHHS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to indicate you want to draw continents with the GSHHS data set. Using the FILENAME keyword automatically sets this keyword.
- HIRES in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to use the high-resolution data supplied with IDL for MAP_CONTINENTS. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- LAND_COLOR in optional type=string default=tan8
The name of a color to be used for "land". Used when the FILL keyword is set.
- LEVEL in optional type=integer default=2
The polygon LEVEL. All polygons less than or equal to this value are drawn. 1-land, 2-lakes, 3-island in lake, 4-pond in island. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- LINESTYLE in optional type=integer default=0
Set to the type of linestyle in drawing outlines. Set solid lines by default.
- MINAREA in optional type=float default=500 km^2
The minimum feature area. By default, 500 km^2. Polygons with areas less than this are not drawn. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- OUTLINE in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword to draw shorelines. Set by default if FILL=0. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- RIVERS in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish to draw rivers. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- T3D in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this graphics keyword if you wish to draw outlines use the T3D transformation matrix. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- THICK in optional type=integer default=1
Set this keyword to the thickness of the lines that are drawn.
- USA in optional type=boolean default=0
Set this keyword if you wish do draw United States state boundaries. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
- WATER_COLOR in optional type=string default=sky blue
The name of the water color. This keyword applies only to GSHHS data sets.
- ZVALUE in optional type=float default=0.0
Set this keyword to the ZVALUE where the outlines should be drawn. Set to 0 by default. This keyword is ignored if using FILENAME.
top cgMapContinents::CLEANUP
This method is the clean-up method for the object.
top cgMapContinents__DEFINE
cgMapContinents__DEFINE [, class]
This is the class definition module. Structures used to manipulate map projection information are also created here.
- class out optional type=structure
Occasionally, it is useful to have an object class definition as a structure variable. Using this output keyword will allow that.
File attributes
Modification date: | Fri Mar 27 11:07:39 2015 |
Lines: | 691 |
Docformat: | rst rst |