Coyote Graphics Routines

Date: Fri Mar 27 12:14:20 2015

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top cgScatter2D

cgScatter2D, x, y [, /AddCmd] [, Aspect=float] [, AxisColor=string] [, AxesColor=string] [, Background=string] [, Charsize=float] [, Color=string] [, Coefficient=double] [, FCharsize=float] [, FColor=string] [, FThick=integer] [, FillColor=string] [, /Fit] [, Font=integer] [, GColor=string] [, GLinestyle=integer] [, /Grid] [, /Isotropic] [, Layout=intarr(3)], NoDisplay=NoDisplay [, /NoErase] [, OutFilename=string] [, Output=string] [, /Overplot] [, Params=double] [, Position=vector] [, PSym=integer] [, SymSize=float] [, Title=string] [, /Traditional] [, /Window] [, XRange=float] [, XStyle=integer] [, XTickLen=float] [, XTitle=string'] [, YRange=float] [, YStyle=integer] [, YTicklen=float] [, YTitle=string'] [, _REF_EXTRA=any]

The purpose of cgScatter2d is to create a two-dimensional scatter plot with the option of drawing a correlation coefficient on the plot.

The program requires the Coyote Library to be installed on your machine.


x in required

The variable along the X or horizontal dimension.

y in required

The varaiable along the Y or vertical dimension.


AddCmd in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword to add the command to the resizeable graphics window cgWindow.

Aspect in optional type=float default=none

Set this keyword to a floating point ratio that represents the aspect ratio (ysize/xsize) of the resulting plot. The plot position may change as a result of setting this keyword. Note that Aspect cannot be used when plotting with !P.MULTI.

AxisColor in optional type=string default=opposite

The name of the axis color. May be specified as a color table index number, as well.

AxesColor in optional type=string

Provisions for bad spellers.

Background in optional type=string default=background

The name of the background color. May be specified as a color table index number, as well.

Charsize in optional type=float default=cgDefCharSize()

The character size for axes annotations. Uses cgDefCharSize to select default character size, unless !P.Charsize is set, in which case !P.Charsize is always used.

Color in optional type=string default=black

The name of the data or symbol color. May be specified as a color table index or color triple, as well. May be a vector of the same length as the input data vectors.

Coefficient out optional type=double

The Pearson correlation coefficient of the two data sets. Calculated with the IDL routine CORRELATE.

FCharsize in optional type=float

The character size of the fit parameters that are written on the plot. This keyword is only in effect if the Fit keyword is set. The default is the same as Charsize.

FColor in optional type=string default=red

The name of the color for the fitting line though the data

FThick in optional type=integer default=1

The thickness of the fitting line.

FillColor in optional type=string

If this keyword is set to the name of a color, that color will be used to "fill" the area of the plot enclosed by the axes. Unfortunately, at this time, the FillColor keyword can NOT be used with multiple plots, just single plots.

Fit in optional type=boolean default=1

If this keyword is set to 1 (the default), a straight line is fit through the data with the IDL routine LINFIT. If this keyword is set, the Pearson correlation coeffcient and the equation of the fitted line is displayed on the scatter plot, unless the NoDisplay keyword is set.

Font in optional type=integer default=!P.Font

The type of font desired for axis annotation.

GColor in optional type=string default=gray

The name of the grid color. May be specified as a color table index number, as well.

GLinestyle in optional type=integer default=1

The grid linestyle. Dotted by default. An integer from 0 to 5. See the IDL LineStyle graphics keyword documentation.

Grid in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keword to 1 to draw a grid on the plot.

Isotropic in optional type=boolean default=0

A short-hand way of setting the Aspect keyword to 1.

Layout in optional type=intarr(3)

This keyword specifies a grid with a graphics window and determines where the graphic should appear. The syntax of LAYOUT is three numbers: [ncolumns, nrows, location]. The grid is determined by the number of columns (ncolumns) by the number of rows (nrows). The location of the graphic is determined by the third number. The grid numbering starts in the upper left (1) and goes sequentually by column and then by row.


If this keyword is set, then the Pearson correlation coefficient and the equation of the fitting line is not displayed on the plot. This keyword is only considered if the Fit keyword is set.

NoErase in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword to draw the plot without erasing the display first.

OutFilename in optional type=string

If the Output keyword is set, the user will be asked to supply an output filename, unless this keyword is set to a non-null string. In that case, the value of this keyword will be used as the filename and there will be no dialog presented to the user.

Output in optional type=string

Set this keyword to the type of output desired. Possible values are these:

'PS' - PostScript file 'EPS' - Encapsulated PostScript file 'PDF' - PDF file 'BMP' - BMP raster file 'GIF' - GIF raster file 'JPEG' - JPEG raster file 'PNG' - PNG raster file 'TIFF' - TIFF raster file
Or, you can simply set this keyword to the name of the output file, and the type of file desired will be determined by the file extension. If you use this option, the user will not be prompted to supply the name of the output file.

All raster file output is created through PostScript intermediate files (the PostScript files will be deleted), so ImageMagick and Ghostview MUST be installed to produce anything other than PostScript output. (See cgPS2PDF and cgPS_Close for details.) And also note that you should NOT use this keyword when doing multiple plots. The keyword is to be used as a convenient way to get PostScript or raster output for a single graphics command. Output parameters can be set with cgWindow_SetDefs.

Overplot in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword if you wish to overplot data on an already exisiting set of axes. It is like calling the IDL OPLOT command.

Params out optional type=double

The output line fitting parameters [intercept, slope].

Position in optional type=vector

The usual four-element position vector for the Plot comamnd. Only monitored and possibly changed if the Aspect keyword is used.

PSym in optional type=integer default=2

Any normal IDL PSYM values, plus any value supported by the Coyote Library routine cgSYMCAT. An integer between 1 and 46.

SymSize in optional type=float default=1.0

The symbol size.

Title in optional type=string

The title of the plot.

Traditional in optional type=boolean default=0

If this keyword is set, the traditional color scheme of a black background for graphics windows on the display is used and PostScript files always use a white background.

Window in optional type=boolean default=0

Set this keyword to replace all the commands in a current cgWindow or to create a new cgWindow for displaying this command.

XRange in optional type=float

The X range of the plot.

XStyle in optional type=integer default=0

The value sent to the XStyle keyword for the Plot command.

XTickLen in optional type=float

The X tick length. Will be set to 1.0 if the Grid keyword is set.

XTitle in optional type=string'

The X title of the plot.

YRange in optional type=float

The Y range of the plot.

YStyle in optional type=integer default=0

The value sent to the YStyle keyword for the Plot command.

YTicklen in optional type=float

THe Y tick length. Will be set to 1.0 if the Grid keyword is set.

YTitle in optional type=string'

The Y title of the plot.

_REF_EXTRA in optional type=any

Any keyword appropriate for the IDL Plot command is allowed in the program.


Use to compare two data sets:

data_1 = cgDemoData(1)+ RandomU(seed, 101) * 10 data_2 = cgDemoData(1)+ RandomU(seed, 101) * 10 cgScatter2D, data_1, data_2
Add a grid to the plot:
cgScatter2D, data_1, data_2, SymColor='navy', FillColor='rose', /Grid
Output the plot to a PNG file:
cgScatter2D, data_1, data_2, SymColor='navy', /Grid, FillColor='rose', Output='scatter.png'
Display the plot in a resizeable graphics window:
cgScatter2D, data_1, data_2, SymColor='navy', /Grid, FillColor='rose', /Window

Author information



David W. Fanning 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:


Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.


Change History:

Written, 12 January 2012. DWF. Removed an extra COLOR keyword and changed an OPLOT command to a PLOTS command to allow a vector of colors to be used for the scatter points. Added the ability to use escape characters in plot titles to specify cgSymbol symbols. 27 July 2012. DWF. Bad logic when creating a GRID and setting [XY]Style keywords. 30 Aug 2013. DWF. If you are setting a range, but not using the [XY]Style keywords, then I am going to set [XY]Style=1. 17 Feb 2014. DWF.

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Mar 27 11:07:38 2015
Lines: 791
Docformat: rst rst